Valuta Handel Sverige - Sweden
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Listing - +5Years
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Valuta Handel Sverige
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Establishment year 2018
Employees 1-5
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Blog om valunahandel
How does it work?
How does it work?
Usually, when you are transferring money between you and another person, you probably use a bank or similar to handle it all. So you need a third party that you both trust to make it all possible. The problem with this is that many of these third parties cannot really be trusted. They will instead deceive you both and disappear with the money. That is why decentralized cryptocurrencies were created, to avoid this third party.
Namely, decentralized cryptocurrencies work so that you simply transfer the money directly to the other person. You do not need to involve a third party in any way which has several benefits.
The current system is that users insert their cryptocurrency into a
How does it work?
How does it work?
Usually, when you are transferring money between you and another person, you probably use a bank or similar to handle it all. So you need a third party that you both trust to make it all possible. The problem with this is that many of these third parties cannot really be trusted. They will instead deceive you both and disappear with the money. That is why decentralized cryptocurrencies were created, to avoid this third party.
Namely, decentralized cryptocurrencies work so that you simply transfer the money directly to the other person. You do not need to involve a third party in any way which has several benefits.
The current system is that users insert their cryptocurrency into a
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third party system where it is converted to another. Then the user can exchange this converted currency with others who also use the system. When the user is done, everything is converted to cryptocurrency which the user gets back into his account.Listed in categories
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